Monday, July 11, 2011


All that has been posted here will remain.  If interested in following my family blog,
you can go to for more.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Winnie, June 2011, plus fathers day and Mona's birthday

14 days at the lake, four with Mona.  That equals about 150 hours of fishing.

 A gin and tonic fishing birthday trip

 A lesson in how to make a fish look larger for a photo.
 One from the slot, the other from the Mississippi.

 Rain is no bother with a portable garage.

 Little Cut Foot, too big, released.
 Went fishing, came back...found a detached bog floating in my "honey hole."
 Whoops, just a little too large.
 The mobile battery charger.

 tHE "GHOST" oF MoSomo Point.

 25.5 inches at Winnie dam, I let it go.
 Walleyes for breakfast.
 My campground host family. L to R, Don and Leroy,Gloria and Collette.
 14 days splitting wood on this one piece of birch.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

James Arness

A little more then just "Minnesota nice."

26 May 1923      3 June 2011


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Mothers day..fishin opener..and stuff..2011

Mona takes us out for "mother's day."  Pizza and beer and pin-ball.  Also 2011 fishing opener at Buffalo Lk.