Monday, July 2, 2007

Congratulations, now over a year and counting.

Twas the night in Appleton when a decision was made,

to break away from that couch where long he laid.

He had wanted to escape for many years,

but instead found friendship with a couple of beers.

His life had spun out of control,

but his heart still beat with the Warren of old.

A day consisted of blur and regret,

with feelings of loss and goals never met.

The years of isolation were mixed with remorse,

but the bottle and depression has set well his course.

Each day we hoped he'd survive,

but the problem was more then just staying alive.

A broken heart was unable to mend,

he felt he had lost his life's best friend.

Deeper he dove not caring that much,

why even try when your so out of touch?

Where are my friends he said to himself,

they were always there but he rejected their help.

The days counted on in the room where he lie,

the questions were poised but no-one knew why?

Answers seem easy with a look from afar,

but the time mounted on like pennies is his over sized jar.

Days to months and then onto years,

the time took its toll and added to fears.

Efforts were made with little reply,

maybe the solution was to just die?

His love for himself was never so dim,

But outside that pit there was still love for him.

A decision was needed and that meant now,

so up he stepped and asked how?

Nothings for certain that we all know,

but asking for help showed his was ready to go.

So out of that hole there came such a rumble,

one step at a time he learned how to stumble.

No leap, no glide no running the race,

the last time that happened he fell flat on his face.

He said he would try and then do his best,

a sense of anticipation swept over the rest.

It is easy to say what you would like,

but a goal so difficult is so hard to strike.

That day in June a meeting was met,

a paper was signed and the path was set.

Failure was the easy way out,

but in our hearts we hoped he was stout.

Now Warren, now Stephen now hopes for success,

on family and friends on all the rest.

to treatment, to care, to medical attention,

Now dash away, dash away all reprehension.

The days at first were long and confusing,

but the gains he achieved help explain his using.

He is Warren and a part of the tribe,

an important piece that must survive.

He opened his mind and accepted direction,

his efforts were backed by family connection.

The examples were many and he took them to heart,

he saw bad endings that showed him the start.

A chance was given to help change his life,

to help other's, show courage and challenge his strife.

Not all of his mates are achieving like him,

but he stood by them thru the thick and the thin.

200 days have rapidly past,

the question, will this be the last?

Take a look at your self and I think you'll agree,

you've shed alot trying to be free.

Nothing has changed and nothings the same,

we loved you then and we do again.

You had faith in us and we in you,

and we support you in all that you do.

So, spring to your life and avoid all the thistle,

got a problem, I know how you can whistle.

A missing part has now been restored,

and know we love you Warren, the same, just more.

1 comment:

ARTiFactor said...

I am really glad to see this in print. I recorded it when you read it at Christmas and was planning to convert it to an mp3. I will send it to you when I get the audio capture feature on my computer fixed.